"I seek challenging opportunities where I can fully use my skills for the success of the organization...."

<Harshit Gupta>

“Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” – Martin Fowler


I am Harshit Gupta, a 21 years old student living in Kanpur(Uttar Pradesh). I am a MCA student at VIT, Chennai. I graduated from VISCS,Kanpur in 2019. I have a degree in Computer Application.I have completed my schooling in 2016 from OSVN Inter College.

My domain area is Web development and Machine Learning.

When it comes to work, I believe in continuous learning and self-improvement, keeping it DRY(Don't Repeat Yourself), and using spaces over tabs.

View Resume


PHP   80%

Python   70%

SQL   80%

HTML   80%

Javascript   60%

React js   60%

Git   70%

Machine Learning   70%




CGPA- 8.52




Percentage- 73.83



<User Management System>

It is completed(frontend+backend) project. It helps to communicate different users in training organization like- Admin, Salesperson,Counsellor etc. It basically connect all the user on the basis of their functionalities.

Used Technology

Frontend => HTML,CSS,JS,JQuery
Backend => PHP
Datbase => SQL
Server => Xampp

<Traffic Sign Recognition Using CNN(Keras)>

It is CNN based Deep Learning project. It basically tell the real meaning of traffic signs on the basis of CNN classification.

Used Technology

Concept => Deep Learning
Algorithm => CNN
Liberaries => Pandas, Numpy, Scikit,Tensorflow,OS,Tkinter.

<School Site>

It is web development project, mainly focuses on frontend part. It is a responsive dumy School based site.

Used Technology

Frontend => HTML,CSS,Bootstrap,JS

<Dice Rolling>

It is simple dice rolling mini project in python with GUI.

Used Technology

GUI => Tkinter